Seren Books founder Cary Archard quotes from ‘Dear Mona’

In 2018, Seren published Dear Mona: Letters from a Conscientious Objector, by Jonah Jones.

Seren’s founder, Cary Archard, in a note of thanks to long-term publisher Mick Felton, who retired in June 2023, used this excerpt from Peter’s introduction to Dear Mona:

‘The conversation always reached the same point. Discussing this book, Mick Felton would start “Len–”, then hesitate before continuing: “I can’t call him Len… Jonah!” Mick had known my father for over thirty years and had published two of his books at Seren. He could be forgiven for finding it difficult to accept that the man whose war-time letters we were discussing was effectively a different person from the cherished and respected figure we both knew.’

Cary Archard

Cary Archard’s note ended: ‘This extra makes the point [about Mick Felton’s qualities as a publisher]. Knowledge of the writer as a person, an individual. Publishing on a personal level. Respect for the work and the author. The extract shows you the kind of publisher Mick was and gives you an idea of the kind of atmosphere that he helped to create at Seren. Although he has retired, Mick leaves behind an entrenched legacy of caring, of business at a personal level, that will live on.’