Photographs: Oriel Plas Glyn-y-Weddw.

Scene & Word is a not-for-profit company with charitable aims established in 2006 by family and friends of Jonah Jones (1919–2004) to coordinate the Cofio Jonah Jones project, celebrating and recording his life and career and building upon his values as an artist and educator.

Our main aims are to save public artworks by Jonah Jones; curate an online gallery of his work (Oriel Jonah Jones); and increase awareness of the artist and his work among younger generations through our Gwobr Jonah Jones prize scheme.

Follow Scene & Word on our website, Facebook and Instagram. You can also write to us via the Contact link at the foot of the screen.

We are redeveloping this website. What you are viewing is the latest work-in-progress version. The Scene & Word Store is back and the Oriel Jonah Jones will return soon. Our news channel is again fully functioning, except for some missing photographs, videos etc on older articles, which we will repair when time allows.