Photo print: CROWN OF THORNS


Photo print based on Jonah Jones’s dalle de verre windows for the dome of the English Martyrs church in Hillmorton, Rugby – now destroyed.

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Jonah Jones – dalle de verre windows, mid-1960s

Jonah Jones created four large windows during the mid-1960s to sit around the dome of the new Catholic Church of the English Martyrs at Hillmorton, in Rugby, Warwickshire. With a theme of the crown of thorns, each dalle de verre (slab glass) window measured about 9 metres long by about 3.5 metres high.

Unfortunately, through an architectural fault, the structural matrix for the windows proved inadequate. This made the lower panels liable to be crushed by the weight of those above. Years later two of the windows became dangerous and in 2012 the church took the decision to remove all the windows. But, fatally stacked horizontally instead of vertically, all the panels broke up and the windows crumbled.

Scene & Word worked with South African photographer Leah Rolando to develop this dramatic treatment from original photographs taken for us by Stephen Brayne in 2009, when the windows were still intact. It shows all four windows vertically, taking advantage of their distinctive triangular appearance to create a Christmas tree effect.

Unmounted A3 (29.70 cms x 42.00 cms) photo print on 200 GSM Universal Photo Paper.

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